Нужно ответы всех заданий)



Ответ дал: adildianakz
1) 1. You don't have to leave a tip in a restaurant.
2. You shouldn't eat so much junk food.
3. You must remember to check the oil and water!
4. You mustn't take photos in the museum.
5. I recommend that you stop for coffee on the motorway.
6. You must drive on the left in Britain.

adildianakz: 3) 1. My mother, who is eighty, is still very fit.
2. Is he the man whose burglar alarm is always ringing?
3. Is that the shop where you bought that dress?
4. The girl who was sitting opposite you was the manager's daughter.
5. That's the restaurant I told you about.
6. The car, which costs £5,000, has automatic gears.
7. He's going to marry a girl who works at his office.
8. What's the name of the boy whose holiday you met on?
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