помогите пожалуйста даю 40 баллов ​



Ответ дал: erzanaminov2


Can you pass the salt, please?

1. **Apples** are good for you.

2. Look at **the apples** on that tree! They're very large.

3. **Women** are often better teachers than **men**.

4. In Britain, **coffee** is more expensive than **tea**.

5. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. **The cheese** was especially good.

6. **Most people** still believe that **marriage** and **family life** are the basis of our society.

7. They got married, but **the marriage** wasn't successful.

8. I know someone who wrote a book about **the life** of Gandhi.

9. **Life** would be very difficult without **electricity**.

10. **Skiing** is my favorite sport, but I also like **swimming**.

11. **The Second World War** ended in 1945.

12. Do you know **the people** who live next door?

13. Are you interested in **art** or **architecture**?

14. All **the books** on the top shelf belong to me.

15. Don't stay in that hotel. **The beds** are very uncomfortable.

16. Two of the biggest problems facing our society are **crime** and **unemployment**.

17. I hate **violence**.


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