6 Put the words in the order they are mentioned in the dialogue. Then listen again to check.
1 really/here/I think / a problem/ we've / got
2 use this shipment / our / for / one / unfortunately / we can't/ of/ regular forwarders
3 we/smaller/ this/ deliveries / means / partial / that/ would / have several
4 have to/ a lot more / and/as/ we'd / pay / a result
5 Saturdays and Sundays / because of/ deliver / we/ can't/ at the weekend/ driving ban/ on /
the HGV
problems/this delivery / no idea /1/ would / cause/ so many/had



Ответ дал: J2S

1.I think we've got a problem here.

2,Unfortunately, we can't use this shipment for our regular forwarders.

3.This means we would have several smaller deliveries as a result.

4.We'd have to pay a lot more and, as a result, we'd have a lot more problems.

5.We can't deliver on Saturdays and Sundays because of the driving ban on HGV at the weekend.

6.I had no idea this delivery would cause so many problems.

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