Make up sentences X
with the following
words: fingerprints, a
vital clue, science,
furniture, to find out,
in order to, to
rehearse, to commit
a crime, investigator,
DNA sample.


Ответ дал: annaivantsiv2010



I have fingerprints on my fingers.

The detective found fingerprints at the crime scene.

A vital clue:

The key was a vital clue to open the door.

A map is a vital clue for finding places.


We learn about plants and animals in science class.

Science helps us understand the world around us.


I have a table and chairs in my living room.

The furniture in the house is comfortable.

To find out:

I want to find out more about my favorite animals.

We will find out the answer together.

In order to:

I study in order to learn new things.

She exercises in order to stay healthy.

To rehearse:

We rehearse our lines for the school play.

The band will rehearse the song before the concert.

To commit a crime:

It is wrong to commit a crime.

Police officers work to catch people who commit crimes.


The investigator solves mysteries.

An investigator looks for clues to solve problems.

DNA sample:

Scientists use a DNA sample to learn about our genes.

A DNA sample can help identify a person.


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