Fill in with adverbs in their comparative or superlative forms
1)…. (wonderful) person…..her. She is one of. 2)…. (Charming) and 3)…..(funny) women I know.She is also 4) …. (generous)-hearted person I’ve ever met. 5)….. (bad) thing is that she has a 6) ….(quick) temper…. me.Mother says she could also be a bit 7) …….. (tidy)…….. she is. Anyway, the present I wanted to buy her had to be 8) ….. (good) I could afford. Eventually, I came across. 9)…… (beautiful) scarf I had ever seen. It was 10)…… (long) …… the one she already had much 11) ……( colourful) Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the next day that Mother had bought her exactly the same scarf.


Ответ дал: anahitas2009


…. (more wonderful) person than her. She is one of the 2) …. (more charming) and 3) ….. (funnier) women I know. She is also 4) …. (more generous)-hearted person I’ve ever met. 5) ….. (worse) thing is that she has a 6) ….. (quicker) temper than me. Mother says she could also be a bit 7) …….. (tidier)……. than she is. Anyway, the present I wanted to buy her had to be 8) …. (better) I could afford. Eventually, I came across 9)…… (the most beautiful) scarf I had ever seen. It was 10)…… (longer) …… than the one she already had, much 11) …… (more colorful). Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the next day that Mother had bought her exactly the same scarf.


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