1] Complete the sentences about Hong Kong International Airport with can or can't. 1) You____ eat at all times of the day and night. 2) you ____sleep in Terminal 1. 3) you____play golf near the airport. 4)you _____ smoke in terminal 1 5)A:_____you smoke in Terminal 2? B: Yes, you____ 6) A:____you sleep in Terminal 1? B: No, you____​


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1) You **can** eat at all times of the day and night.

2) You **can't** sleep in Terminal 1.

3) You **can** play golf near the airport.

4) You **can't** smoke in Terminal 1.

5) A: **Can** you smoke in Terminal 2? B: Yes, you **can**.

6) A: **Can** you sleep in Terminal 1? B: No, you **can't**.

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