2 3 5 Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Sam can borrow my MP3 player until he A is buying B buys The bookshop. A don't starts A Is he giving us a lift into town later on this afternoon? B Does he give Me and my sister A gets the beach later? A Do they go to giving discounts to students until tomorrow. B doesn't start Shall we make some sandwiches before we ? A are leaving B leaves The canteen, A isn't serving more pocket money this week. B is getting a new one. B Are they going food after 5pm. B doesn't serve Why the dogs for a walk today? A isn't John taking C buy B don't John take Cisn't going start C He gives C are going to get Cleave C Are they going to go to C don't serves C aren't John taking​


Ответ дал: pomogite11221


1.Sam can borrow my MP3 player until he buys.

2.The bookshop doesn't start giving discounts to students until tomorrow.

3.Shall we make some sandwiches before we leave?

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