Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple 1. Mike (walk) in the park yesterday. 2. You (not open) the door for me then. 3. We (study) Geography last year. 4. Adam (not make) this cake yesterday. 5. Kate and Bill (come) late last night. 6. Susan (not clean) her room last Friday. 7. Richard and Sam (see) you two days ago. 8. Ed (not go) to Amsterdam in 2021.​


Ответ дал: martabluznjak
1. Mike **walked** in the park yesterday.
2. You **did not open** the door for me then.
3. We **studied** Geography last year.
4. Adam **did not make** this cake yesterday.
5. Kate and Bill **came** late last night.
6. Susan **did not clean** her room last Friday.
7. Richard and Sam **saw** you two days ago.
8. Ed **did not go** to Amsterdam in 2021.
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