2 Write questions with How long ...? Then write two
answers to each question with since and for. Use
your general knowledge or check the answers at the
bottom of the page.

1 the USA/ independent?

2 the UK/be / in the European Union?

3 Peter Jackson /work/ as a film director?

4 people/travel / in space?

1. 1776 2. 1973 3. 1976 4. 1961



Ответ дал: pupil4b09


**1. How long has the USA been independent?**

- *Answer 1:* The USA has been independent since 1776.

- *Answer 2:* The USA has been independent for 247 years.

**2. How long has the UK been in the European Union?**

- *Answer 1:* The UK was in the European Union since 1973 until 2020.

- *Answer 2:* The UK was in the European Union for approximately 47 years.

**3. How long has Peter Jackson worked as a film director?**

- *Answer 1:* Peter Jackson has worked as a film director since the late 1980s.

- *Answer 2:* Peter Jackson has worked as a film director for over three decades.

**4. How long have people traveled in space?**

- *Answer 1:* People have been traveling in space since Yuri Gagarin's historic flight in 1961.

- *Answer 2:* People have been traveling in space for more than 60 years.

**5. How long has the construction of the neg "People/travel/in space?" space station been going on?**

- *Answer 1:* The construction of the International Space Station (ISS) has been going on since 1998.

- *Answer 2:* The construction of the ISS has been going on for over 23 years.


тг: @vla_ddy

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