Put in the right form of pronoun.
… (Her/Hers) car is slower than … (my/mine).
What colour are … (you/yours) eyes?
… hair is as dark as … (hers/her/my/mine).
That house over there is …(their/theirs).
These are Nina's toys. The toys are … (mine/his/hers).

ФасОлька02: что надо сделать
ФасОлька02: перевести?
Катя20007: Put in the right form of pronoun.
ФасОлька02: Что


Ответ дал: Swaggie
Her car is slower than mine.
What colour are your eyes?
Her hair is as dark as mine.
That house over there is theirs.
These are Nina's toys. The toys are hers.
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