7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Put one verb into the simple past and one verb in the past continuous. come, you/do leave, start not hear, not pay ring, watch 1 It 21 the phone 3 I because I to rain just as we the house. my favourite programme when what the homework was attention. 4 What when I visit yesterday? There was no answer. Score/8 8 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of used to and a suitable verb. 1 We haven't always lived in Oxford. We in London. 21 olives, but I really like them now. 3 I know your grandad was a professional football player, but who for? 4 I don't get much exercise. I cycling every day, but I just haven't got the time now. to 5 I really don't know what's wrong with Tom these days. He this bad-tempered. Score /5​



Ответ дал: shapickhovm


1. Started, Leave

2. Watching, ringing

3. Didn't hear, didn't payed

4. You're doing , came



1. Are Living

2. Didn't liked

3. He played

4.really like

5. Haven't

надеюсь правильно

можно плис коронку ;)

Аноним: спасибо
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