Сomplete the questions with the going to future

form ofthe verbs in brackets.

1 What you апd уоur friends
(watch) on TV after school today?
2 What .., you ,.,.,,,. .. (wеаr) tomorrow?
З уоur mum (work) next
4 Who уоu and yourfami[y (see)
at the weekend?
5 уоur friends (trave[) to another
соuпtrу next summеr?
пж помогите



Ответ дал: polinagriz010334


1. what are you and your friends are going to watch on TV after school today?

2. what are you going to wear tomorrow?

3. is your mum going to work next Saturday?

4. who are you and your family going to see next weekend?

5. are your friends going to travel to another country next summer?

6. are you going to study in another town when you're 18?

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