complete a dialogue with the sentences a-eDon't talk nonsense. A it's a good laugh. c. Take your time That's disgusting. The next thing I knew, it was on my head. Alice Hl, Sandra. Sandra Hello. Where were you yesterday evening? Alice I was at my cookery class. Sandra Oh yes. How's it going? Alice (1) we made pasta sauce with coffee in it. I've learnt loads of new things. Yesterday Sandra Sandra (2) Alice Actually, it was delicious. Sandra I don't know why you're taking that course. It sounds like a waste of time to me. Alice (3) It's really useful and I've made some new friends. And something funny always happens. Last week I was throwing a pancake in the air with a frying pan. (4) Ha, ha, ha. Do you think I would like it, then? Alice Yeah, I do. Listen, let me give you a number to ring so you can ask about the course. Sandra OK. Alice Where is it now?... I had it here somewhere. Sandra (5) I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere. Даю 100 балів​


Ответ дал: hagsuahshsus

Sure, here's the completed dialogue:

Alice: Hi, Sandra.

Sandra: Hello. Where were you yesterday evening?

Alice: I was at my cookery class.

Sandra: Oh yes. How's it going?

Alice: (1) That's disgusting. We made pasta sauce with coffee in it. I've learned loads of new things.

Sandra: (2) Don't talk nonsense.

Alice: Actually, it was delicious.

Sandra: I don't know why you're taking that course. It sounds like a waste of time to me.

Alice: (3) It's really useful and I've made some new friends. And something funny always happens. Last week I was throwing a pancake in the air with a frying pan.

Sandra: (4) Ha, ha, ha. Do you think I would like it, then?

Alice: Yeah, I do. Listen, let me give you a number to ring so you can ask about the course.

Sandra: OK.

Alice: Where is it now?... I had it here somewhere.

Sandra: (5) Take your time. I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere.

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