Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Make Zero Conditional.
The dogs
The dogs don't bite if they are treated with care and kindness.
[ Exercise 1]
1. If Kelly
the next day. (sleep / feel)
2. If the weather
my raincoat. (be / put on)
if they
3. If Kevin
energetic. (not have / feel)
4. If I
7. If the sun
treated with care and kindness. (not bite /be)
badly at night, she
breakfast, he
5. If you
happy, you
happiness with the whole world. (be / want)
6. If I
a toothache, I
rainy, I
for a long time, my feet
brightly, all plants and flowers
fast. (shine / grow)
8. If my fridge
at the nearest supermarket. (be/shop)
empty, I
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to share your
to see a dentist.


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[Exercise 1]

If Kelly doesn't sleep well, she doesn't feel energetic the next day.

If the weather is bad, I put on my raincoat.

If they walk for a long time, their feet hurt.

If I have a toothache, I go to see a dentist.

If you are happy, you want to share your happiness with the whole world.

If I shine brightly, all plants and flowers grow fast.

If the sun doesn't shine brightly, all plants and flowers don't grow.

If my fridge is empty, I shop at the nearest supermarket.

jbtptnpx68: Дякую
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