Open the brackets and use the verbs in the correct form.
, we shall have to look for a
1 If it (to rain)
shelter. 2 You will never succeed if you (to have) no confidence in yourself. 3 If there (to be)
some tools handy, I will easily repair this bicycle of yours. 4 If anything happens, I (to be blamed)
• 5 If it (be)
convenient, let's meet at nine o'clock. 6 If you
(not hurry up)
your team as soon as we (to be)
go out)
funny when you (hear)
you will be late. 7 We'll join
free. 8 He (not
until they are ready. 9 You will find it
it. 10 They (invite)
you at the party when you are in New York.
11 You will be hungry if (not eat)
12 | (to remember) everything when I come to the place. 13 The policeman will stay here until you (to tell) everything.


Ответ дал: tromsas36
1. If it **rains**, we shall have to look for a shelter.
2. You will never succeed if you **have** no confidence in yourself.
3. If there **are** some tools handy, I will easily repair this bicycle of yours.
4. If anything happens, I **will be blamed**.
5. If it **is** convenient, let's meet at nine o'clock.
6. If you **don't hurry up**, you will be late, and we'll join your team as soon as we **go out**.
7. It will be funny when you **hear** it.
8. He **won't go** until they are ready.
9. You will find it **free**.
10. They **will invite** you to the party when you are in New York.
11. You will be hungry if you **don't eat** anything.
12. I **will remember** everything when I come to the place.
13. The policeman will stay here until you **tell** everything.
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