New Zealand Choose the best title for the text. 4 Hello! I'm Aliya from Kazakhstan. I'm a blogger; I share opinion and information about different places. So, now I'm in New Zealand. One of the reasons why New Zealand is famous is because of its parks. There are about ten of the most beautiful parks. I aim to visit three of them. The first park is Fiordland National Park. This park is one of the biggest and most beautiful parks in the world. There are forests and crystal clear lakes; generally, the view is incredible. The park is green and has a waterfall. Tourists go on a trip on a boat to see the waterfall closer and relax. The second park is Tongariro National Park. Its mountains have cultural and spiritual importance. That's why the park was named the fourth national park in the world in 1894, and the first national park of New Zealand. There are three active volcanoes, one of which is called Tongariro, so now it is clear why it was called Tongariro National Park. The park has lava fields, lakes, and mountains with snow on top. This park is a very rich and beautiful place to visit. The third park is Abel Tasman National park. It was called so after the first European traveller. This park is unlike other parks because it is small in size. However, there are a lot of tourists that come to see the beauty of this park. The sandy beaches and forests surround it. Also, in the forest there is a waterfall. In general, the place is sensational. Areas to shoot a video in New Zealand. New Zealand's national parks. New Zealand's the best cafès. ​



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