Task 1. Match the words with the sentences.
sleeping bag packing, canoe, cruise, seaside,
A holiday when you travel on a ship and visit a lot of different places A big warm thing that you sleep in when you go camping The big round thing in the sky that gives us light in the day, and heat Going up and down, walking or using your hands and feet, moving to a higher place Putting things into a bag or suitcase before you go somewhere A person who visits different places on holiday A place by the sea where people go on holiday A light narrow boat that you use on rivers. You move it through the water with a piece of wood, called paddle tourist, climbing sun​


Ответ дал: viktorialazutkina11


- sleeping bag: A big warm thing that you sleep in when you go camping.

- packing: Putting things into a bag or suitcase before you go somewhere.

- canoe: A light narrow boat that you use on rivers. You move it through the water with a piece of wood, called a paddle.

-seaside:A place by the sea where people go on holiday.

- cruise: A holiday when you travel on a ship and visit a lot of different places.


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