2) 4. Work in pairs. Create questions and ask your partner. Use frequency expressions from the box when you answer to questions. Example: eat dinner with friends at the restaurant. A: How often do you eat with friends at the restaurant? B: About twice a week. a lot not very often almost never never hardly ever 1. Play football 2. Get on the Internet 3. Buy food for family 4. Attend a wedding 5. Drive a car every once a twice a five times a day/week/month/year 6. Go to Issyk-Kul for holiday 7. See photos and videos on Instagram 8. Clean the house. 9. Get your haircut 10. Comment on somebody's post on Facebook 34​


Ответ дал: shevyakovyaroslav


How often do you play football?

How frequently do you get on the Internet?

How often do you buy food for your family?

How often do you attend weddings?

How often do you drive a car?

How often do you go to Issyk-Kul for a holiday?

How often do you see photos and videos on Instagram?

How often do you clean the house?

How frequently do you get your haircut?

How often do you comment on somebody's post on Facebook?

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