Написання повідомлення 'A blog post expressing an opinion'
A blog post expressing an opinion
Write a blog post using the task and plan below. Include phrases (One Saturday last month, in my view, as well as that) if appropriate. Write your blog post (120-150 words).


You recently went to a show performed by a number of different clubs at school. Write a blog post about it.

a) Where and when did the show take place?
b) Who attended the event and how did they react?
c) Give your personal opinion of the event.
d) Suggest two improvements for next year.

The plan
Paragraph 1
• When and where did it take place?
• Which clubs took part? (art club, astronomy club, baking club, ballroom dancing club, computer club, debating society, drama society, film club, fitness club, handball club, photography club, school choir, school orchestra, science club, etc.)

Paragraph 2
• Who attended the show?
• How did the audience react?

Paragraph 3
• What did you think of the show?

Paragraph 4
• What would make the show better? A different time / venue? Longer / Shorter? Different acts? Anything else?


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac

A Night of Talent: The Annual School Clubs' Showcase

One Saturday last month, our school's annual clubs' showcase took place in the bustling school auditorium. The atmosphere was electric as students, teachers, and parents gathered to witness the culmination of months of hard work and dedication from various school clubs.

From the moment the curtain rose, the audience was captivated by the sheer talent and diversity on display. The art club showcased a mesmerizing exhibition of their paintings and sculptures, while the astronomy club took us on a journey through the cosmos with their interactive presentation. The baking club tantalized our taste buds with their delectable creations, and the ballroom dancing club transported us to a world of elegance and grace.

The computer club showcased their latest coding projects, while the debating society engaged in a lively and thought-provoking discussion. The drama society's performance left us on the edge of our seats, while the film club's short film had the audience in stitches. The fitness club demonstrated their impressive routines, and the handball club showcased their teamwork and agility.

The photography club's captivating images captured the essence of school life, while the school choir's harmonious melodies filled the auditorium with warmth and joy. The school orchestra's grand finale brought the show to a close with a rousing rendition of a classical masterpiece, leaving the audience applauding for more.

In my view, the annual clubs' showcase is a true celebration of the diverse talents and interests of our school community. It provides a platform for students to showcase their passions and talents, while also fostering a sense of camaraderie and school spirit.

As for improvements, I would suggest extending the show's duration to allow for more performances and reducing the intermission time to maintain the momentum of the event. Additionally, incorporating a live streaming option would enable those unable to attend in person to experience the showcase's magic.

Overall, the annual clubs' showcase is a must-attend event for anyone seeking a glimpse into the vibrant and multifaceted world of our school community. It is a testament to the creativity, dedication, and talent that our students possess. Let's continue to support and encourage our school clubs, as they play a vital role in shaping the well-rounded individuals we strive to be.

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