79.1 Write somebody (or someone) / something / somewhere.
Lucy said something
I've lost
Sue and Tom went
I'm going to phone
What did she say?
What have you lost?
Where did they go?
Who are you going to phone?


Ответ дал: tarassorokin9


Lucy said something.

I've lost my keys.

Sue and Tom went to the park.

I'm going to phone my friend.

What did she say? - She didn't say anything specific.

What have you lost? - I've lost my wallet.

Where did they go? - They went to the cinema.

Who are you going to phone? - I'm going to phone my parents.


Ответ дал: iskwkwnnd
1. Lucy said **something**.
2. I've lost **2**.
3. I've lost **3**.
4. Sue and Tom went **somewhere**.
5. I'm going to phone **someone**.
6. What did she say?
7. What have you lost?
8. Where did they go?
9. Who are you going to phone?
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