Exercise A. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or perfect continuous.
1. My parents (know)
each other for twenty-five years.
2. You (phone) for ages. (you, nearly, not, finish) ?
3. How long (Alfred, be)
in love with his boss?
4. Cindy (fail) her driving test twice because she is so bad at reversing.
5. My brother (be) in the army for two years.
6. I (often, wonder) why our neighbour left the country so suddenly.
7. Do you like the seafood? - I'm not sure. I (never, eat)
8. My friend (wait) for the prices of the flats to come down before buying a flat.
9. What do you think of my new dress? - Oh, but I (not, see) it.
10. Julia (be) a junior teacher for four years.
11. My brother and I (do) housework all morning and I (not, finish) yet.
12. Have you seen my cousin lately? - No, I (not, meet) her since our last party.
13. I (miss) the bus and will have to walk.
14. Did you like the cake? - Yes, it's the best cake I (ever, eat)
15. The phone (ring) for five minutes. I wonder why nobody answers it.
16. Cindy had the flu in September; now she is all right and (be) fine since then.
17. Carol looks very tired. She (make) a dress for her new client since early morning.
18. (you, just, hear) the noise in flat 5?
19. How long (you, wait) for us? I (wait) for about forty-five minutes.
20. The village (change) a lot since our family came to live here.

Exercise B. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or perfect continuous.
1. My brother (now, complete)
a postgraduate degree in business and administration.
2. Julia and her cousin are tired because they (work) a lot recently.
3. Frank (try) to find a permanent job for a considerable time.
4. The dollar (fall) against the euro.
5. Indeed, my sister (already, work) for several companies on a temporary basis.
6. My neighbour (be) to the shops twice already today.
7. Steven and his wife (apply) for several posts this year but they still (not, manage) to find what they are looking for.

many changes in her personality.
9. My students started learning Italian a few months ago but (not, obtain) a certificate in it yet.
10. Lately, Rosemary (think) about changing her career because she (become) dissatisfied with the conditions at her office.
11. My sister (wait) for a reply for several weeks and she still (not, receive) any answer.
12. Patricia (work) for the government since she graduated from Oxford University. Until recently, she (enjoy) her work, but now she is talking about retiring.
13. Those vegetables (boil) for half an hour.
14. Elison and Brad (have)
Jessica for more than four years and during that time I (see) some difficulties in their relationship lately. I hope they will work everything out.
15. Jessica can't go to work because she (fall, ill).
16. Betsy (love) chocolate since she was a child. She might even be called a ‘chocoholic'.


Ответ дал: julijacmuh08


Exercise A:

1. My parents **have known** each other for twenty-five years.

2. You **have been phoning** for ages. (Have you nearly not finished?)

3. How long **has Alfred been** in love with his boss?

4. Cindy **has failed** her driving test twice because she is so bad at reversing.

5. My brother **has been** in the army for two years.

6. I **have often wondered** why our neighbor left the country so suddenly.

7. Do you like seafood? - I'm not sure. I **have never eaten** it.

8. My friend **has been waiting** for the prices of the flats to come down before buying a flat.

9. What do you think of my new dress? - Oh, but I **haven't seen** it.

10. Julia **has been** a junior teacher for four years.

11. My brother and I **have been doing** housework all morning, and I **haven't finished** yet.

12. Have you seen my cousin lately? - No, I **haven't met** her since our last party.

13. I **missed** the bus and will have to walk.

14. Did you like the cake? - Yes, it's the best cake I **have ever eaten**.

15. The phone **has been ringing** for five minutes. I wonder why nobody answers it.

16. Cindy had the flu in September; now she is all right and **has been fine** since then.

17. Carol looks very tired. She **has been making** a dress for her new client since early morning.

18. **Have you just heard** the noise in flat 5?

19. How long **have you been waiting** for us? I **have been waiting** for about forty-five minutes.

20. The village **has changed** a lot since our family came to live here.

Exercise B:

1. My brother **is now completing** a postgraduate degree in business and administration.

2. Julia and her cousin are tired because they **have been working** a lot recently.

3. Frank **has been trying** to find a permanent job for a considerable time.

4. The dollar **has fallen** against the euro.

5. Indeed, my sister **has already worked** for several companies on a temporary basis.

6. My neighbor **has been to the shops** twice already today.

7. Steven and his wife **have applied** for several posts this year, but they still **haven't managed** to find what they are looking for.

8. My friend **has noticed** many changes in her personality.

9. My students started learning Italian a few months ago but **haven't obtained** a certificate in it yet.

10. Lately, Rosemary **has been thinking** about changing her career because she **has become** dissatisfied with the conditions at her office.

11. My sister **has been waiting** for a reply for several weeks, and she still **hasn't received** any answer.

12. Patricia **has worked** for the government since she graduated from Oxford University. Until recently, she **has enjoyed** her work, but now she is talking about retiring.

13. Those vegetables **have been boiling** for half an hour.

14. Elison and Brad **have had** Jessica for more than four years, and during that time I **have seen** some difficulties in their relationship lately. I hope they will work everything out.

15. Jessica can't go to work because she **has fallen ill**.

16. Betsy **has loved** chocolate since she was a child. She might even be called a ‘chocoholic'.

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