1 Write a paragraph about the role of mass media in our life. Consider the items below.
• How do you find out what's happening in the world?
• Do you ever listen to the radio? What programmes do you like? • How important is TV to you?
• Do you like the same TV programmes as your parents?
• What's the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?
• Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?​


Ответ дал: annazaezc


Mass media plays a crucial role in our lives as a primary source of information, connecting us to the world and shaping our perceptions of events. In the digital age, there are various mediums through which we stay informed. Personally, I rely on online news portals and social media platforms to stay updated on current affairs. While I don't often listen to the radio, I recognize its historical significance and its unique ability to reach diverse audiences. Television holds a significant place in my life, serving as both an entertainment source and a means to access news and documentaries. While my preferences in TV programs might differ from those of my parents, the shared experience of watching news together remains significant. Reading news in a newspaper offers a more detailed and reflective experience, allowing for in-depth analysis, while watching it on TV provides a visual and dynamic perspective. As technology evolves, it's conceivable that computers may replace traditional media forms, posing both opportunities and challenges for the way information is consumed and shared in the future.


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

Mass media plays a crucial role in our lives as it serves as our primary source of information about the world. It keeps us informed about current events, global affairs, and local news. In today's digital age, we have a multitude of mediums at our disposal, from television to radio and the internet. Personally, I do listen to the radio occasionally, enjoying programs that range from music to talk shows. Television remains an essential part of my life, offering a diverse array of content that caters to various interests. While I may share some TV preferences with my parents, generational gaps often result in differing choices. The key distinction between reading news in a newspaper and watching it on TV lies in the presentation—visuals and immediacy on TV versus the depth and analysis often found in print. As technology advances, it's possible that computers and the internet may increasingly replace traditional newspapers and TV, offering personalized, on-demand content. However, the role of mass media in shaping our perspectives and keeping us connected to the world will likely endure.

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