1. 1 slipped/ sprained on some water and fell down and hurt my knee. 2. Look at those shadows/footprints in the snow. 3. Tony was riding his bike when he chased / crashed into a tree. 4. That woman needs help! Someone call for an ambulance / adventure! 5. Get me the ladder / wheel. I want to climb up to that window. 6. Tell Gary to stop that voice / noise. I can't hear the TV. 7. The girl screamed when / while she saw the blood on the floor. 8. Diane, I broke your MP4 player. Please, don't be angry / worried with me.​


Ответ дал: chaeryeongisthebest


1. I slipped on some water and fell down, hurting my knee.

2. Look at those shadows in the snow.

3. Tony was riding his bike when he crashed into a tree.

4. That woman needs help! Someone call for an ambulance!

5. Get me the ladder. I want to climb up to that window.

6. Tell Gary to stop that noise. I can't hear the TV.

7. The girl screamed while she saw the blood on the floor.

8. Diane, I broke your MP4 player. Please, don't be angry with me.

miroshnykmyhailo: дякую
kiiashkopolly2019: Спасибо
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