A. Complete the texts with the words in the boxes. attack shocked scared alone saved When I went to Florida last year for my holiday, I had a horrible experience. A woman was swimming and suddenly, she shouted "SHARK!", I was (1) on the beach and I didn't know what to do. But luckily the shark didn't (2) her. Something the shark away and I jumped into the woman. She the water and (4) was really (5) embarrassed beginning brave r laughing On my first day of school I saw a small spider on my desk. I'm afraid of spic . In I tried to scare it away be Is looked at me and starte I was really (10)​



Ответ дал: milenayun
1 scared
2 attack
3 alone
4 saved
5 shocked
6 brave
7 beginning
8 neck
9 laughing
10 embarrassed

nikitusiknikitamirny: Мда, ты даже на хорошиста не тянешь
valleykanzi: А что там? Не правильно?
rblxfoxinn: Не нравится? Сделай лучше.
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