1. If you... (call) me at 6 pm, I... (still, be) home. 2. I... (not, buy) you a tablet computer if you... (not, improve your marks in maths. 3. Jerome... (meet) you tomorrow on condition you... (not, be late). 4. Where... (you, stay) if the hotel... (be) packed full? 5. If you... (have) time at this weekend, ... (go) to the country to visit you grandparents. 6. We... (travel) to the seaside in a week if dad... (fix) the car. 7. In case he... (become) President, he... (change) this law. 8. You... (lend) me some money on condition I... (bring) my debt on time? 9. They... (certainly, come) provided you... (ask) them. 10. Unless you... (tell) me everything, I won't give you any money.


Ответ дал: mrskiperdj
1. If you **call** me at 6 pm, I **will still be** home.
2. I **won't buy** you a tablet computer if you **don't improve** your marks in maths.
3. Jerome **will meet** you tomorrow on condition you **are not late**.
4. Where **will you stay** if the hotel **is** packed full?
5. If you **have** time this weekend, **go** to the country to visit your grandparents.
6. We **will travel** to the seaside in a week if dad **fixes** the car.
7. In case he **becomes** President, he **will change** this law.
8. Will you **lend** me some money on condition I **bring** my debt on time?
9. They **will certainly come** provided you **ask** them.
10. Unless you **tell** me everything, I won't give you any money.
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