Помогите пожалуйста Task 1.Choose the correct options so that each tense appears once (simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, past perfect progressive). We to the cinema last week. (went, were going, had gone, had been going) Once we chosen, had been choosing) our food, the waiter took our order. (chose, were choosing, had I saw a lovely dress while I maybe I'll go back and buy it. (Shopped, was shopping, had shopped, had been shopping) When their mum got home, the boys watching, had watched, had been watching) TV for two hours. (watched, were Task 2. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and the following tenses: simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, past perfect progressive. 1.A plumber (come) to our house yesterday. 2.He (want) to repair our washing machine that (break) a few days before. 3. Before he (ring) at my door, he (look) for a parking space for about ten minutes. 4. While the plumber (repair) the washing machine, I (watch) the news. 5.Suddenly, I (realise) that they (show) our street on TV. 6. The reporter (say) that a car (crash) into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads. 7. While I (listen) carefully to what (happen), someone (knock) at my door. 8.1 (open) the door and (see) a police officer standing there. 9.He (ask) for the plumber. 10.It (be) our plumber's car that (roll) down the street.



Ответ дал: lovecacao


Task 1:

We went to the cinema last week.

Once we had chosen our food, the waiter took our order.

I saw a lovely dress while I was shopping; maybe I'll go back and buy it.

When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.

Task 2:

A plumber came to our house yesterday.

He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.

Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.

While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I watched the news.

Suddenly, I realized that they had been showing our street on TV.

The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.

While I was listening carefully to what was happening, someone knocked at my door.

I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.

He asked for the plumber.

It was our plumber's car that had rolled down the street.

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