d Answer the questions in full sentences so they are true for you.
1 When were you last bored because there was nothing to do?
2 Have you ever done anything unusual on holiday? Was it exciting?
3 When did you last go to a boring party? Did you know anyone?
4 When did you last go to a shop and not buy anything?​


Ответ дал: ivannahinocka8


1. I was last bored because there was nothing to do a few weeks ago on a rainy day when I couldn't go outside.

2. Yes, I once went snorkeling in a bioluminescent bay on holiday. It was incredibly unusual and absolutely exciting to see the glowing marine life!

3. The last time I went to a boring party was a few months back. I knew a couple of people there, but unfortunately, the event didn't quite live up to expectations.

4. I went to a shop and didn't buy anything just last weekend. I was browsing for new headphones but couldn't find the ones I wanted.

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