We all know that regular physical activity is important. It gives you more energy, reduces stress and helps you feel happier and sleep better. It helps to lower high blood pressure, burn off calories and helps you to lose weight. It also strengthens your muscles, helps your heart and lungs to work better and as a result prevents heart disease. People nowadays lead very busy lives but they are not necessarily active. Thirty minutes of physical activity most days of the week is enough to keep you fit and healthy. Going to the gym is a great way to exercise, whether you're doing aerobics or lifting weights. However, if you don't like going or if you're so busy that you haven't got the time, then don't worry. There are other ways to exercise. Start walking! Take your dog for a long walk use the stairs instead of the lift or carry you shopping home instead of driving. Do housework or wash the car. Did you know that half an hour of hoovering is such good exercise that it burns off almost as many calories as a 30-minute workout? You can burn off that chocolate bar you ate faster by doing the housework than by walking for half an hour. Dance, go jogging, go swimming, do anything to improve your health! Make exercise a habit you can't live without. Remember: Get active and stay activ
B. Read the text again. Find words and match them with the meanings below.

1. make less or smaller (para 1):

2. stop something from happening (para 1):

3. strong, healthy and energetic (para 2):

4. clean a carpet or floor with a vacuum cleaner (para 5):

5. physical exercise (para 5):

6. make better (para 6):
пожалуста поможіть будь ласка дуже треба​


Ответ дал: kpopisoppa01


1. **reduce** (make less or smaller) (para 1).

2. **prevent** (stop something from happening) (para 1).

3. **fit and healthy** (strong, healthy, and energetic) (para 2).

4. **hoovering** (clean a carpet or floor with a vacuum cleaner) (para 5).

5. **exercise** (physical exercise) (para 5).

6. **improve** (make better) (para 6).

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