помогите пожалуйста очень нужно!!!​
2. If I (bought/had bought) that lottery ticket on Sunday, I (would win/would have won) a lot of money a week later.
3. If Jane (left/had left) her flat earlier in the mornings, she (wouldn't miss/wouldn't have missed) the train so often.
4. If he (were/had been) there at the beginning of September, he (would solve/would have solved) the problem then.


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

2. If I had bought that lottery ticket on Sunday, I would have won a lot of money a week later.

3. If Jane had left her flat earlier in the mornings, she wouldn't have missed the train so often.

4. If he had been there at the beginning of September, he would have solved the problem then.

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