5 Read the rubric and use your answers in Ex. 4 and the plan below to write a short paragraph. Write a short peregraph describing your house and neighbourhood (40-50 words). Describe where you live. Write how many rooms there are in your house. Describe your room and what's inside it Write what the best thing about your house is Write about the shops in your neighbourhood My house is.... There are in my room is. The best thing In my neighbourhood there is...... but there isn't.....



Ответ дал: ninnikon569


My house is a cozy haven with three bedrooms, a spacious living room, and a vibrant kitchen. My room reflects my personality, adorned with posters and a comfy bed. The best thing about my house is the serene backyard garden, perfect for relaxation. In my neighborhood, there are several shops, but there isn't a lack of green spaces, making it a delightful place to live.

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