Заполните пропуски предлогами, там, где это необходимо: 1. Don’t translate these letters … English.2. We sometimes read Russian and English books … the evening.3. … our English lessons we often go … the blackboard.4. Take the books … Ann.5. She always comes home … 7 p.m.6. We write many sentences … the blackboard.7. … next week I shall take my examination … English?8. Is your mother … home now?Заполните пропуски предлогами, там, где это необходимо:

1. Don’t translate these letters … English.2. We sometimes read Russian and English books … the evening.3. … our English lessons we often go … the blackboard.4. Take the books … Ann.5. She always comes home … 7 p.m.6. We write many sentences … the blackboard.7. … next week I shall take my examination … English?8. Is your mother … home now?


Ответ дал: parartov

1. Don’t translate these letters into English.

2. We sometimes read Russian and English books in the evening.

3. During our English lessons, we often go to the blackboard.

4. Take the books to Ann.

5. She always comes home at 7 p.m.

6. We write many sentences on the blackboard.

7. Next week I shall take my examination in English.

8. Is your mother at home now?

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