Water at 100*C b. boil c. boils a. is boiling 2. for a living? b. What do you do c. How are you doing a. What are you doing 3. We to Rome tomorrow morning. a. fly b. are flying c. don't fly 4.The English lesson at 8:00. a. will start b. will be starting c. starts 5. They sweets. a. often don't eat b. don't often eat c. aren't often eating 6. He never late b. never is a. is never c. doesn't never 7. She meat. She's a vegetarian. a. never eat b. doesn't never eat c. never eats 8.1 my room tidy. a. always keep b. keep always c. am always keeping 9.1 it now. a. understand b. an understanding c. understands


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

Sure, I can help you with these sentences:

1. Water at 100°C **boils**.

2. **What do you do** for a living?

3. We **are flying** to Rome tomorrow morning.

4. The English lesson **starts** at 8:00.

5. They **don't often eat** sweets.

6. He **is never** late.

7. She **never eats** meat. She's a vegetarian.

8. I **always keep** my room tidy.

9. I **understand** it now.

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