Imagine you are chatting to a travel agency online to organize an adventure holiday for you and some friends. Answer the agent's questions with your own ideas.
Write no less than 80 words.

So, have you ever been on an adventure holiday before?
Where in the world would you like to go? Why?
And which activities have you always wanted to try? Why?
Have you decided how much time you want to spend?


Ответ дал: zazuk933


Yes, I have been on an adventure holiday before. It was an incredible experience, and that's why I'm eager to plan another one for me and my friends. We would love to go to New Zealand because it offers diverse landscapes, from stunning mountains to picturesque beaches. The activities we have always wanted to try include bungee jumping, skydiving, and hiking in the beautiful national parks. We're looking to spend around two weeks to make sure we have enough time to explore and indulge in thrilling activities.

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