Read the description of Amanda's relationship with people in her family. Match the phrases (1-6) to the best definitions (a-f).
1) I look like my dad.

2) I take after my mum.

3) I get on well with my cousin, Paul.

4)I'm very close to my twin sister, Alice.

5) I have a lot in common with my brother, Will.

6) I am like my aunt Julia.

a) I have a similar personality.

b) I have inherited some of her characteristics.

c) I have a very good relationship.

d) We share similar interest.

e) I have a similar appearance.

f) I have a deep, strong relationship.​


Ответ дал: SuperGsmer

1 - е

2 - b

3 - c

4 - f

5 - d

6 - a

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