Lisa was afraid of dogs. When she was in the (1) TWO … grade, a homeless dog bit her. When she was 14 she still (2) NOT CAN … forget the fear and the pain. Lisa lived close to her school. It took her just ten minutes to walk. But she always took a school bus because it was (3) FAST … this way. But today the weather was wonderful. Yellow and red (4) LEAF ... on trees made everything look magical. Lisa decided to walk and take pictures on the way. She almost made it to school when she saw them. A pack of homeless dogs eating something from a McDonald’s paper bag that somebody (5) THROW … away the day before. Lisa panicked. To get to school she had to pass by (6) THIS … dogs! Suddenly, she felt somebody touch her hand. It was a little girl from elementary school. “(7) BE … you afraid of the dogs?” Lisa asked her. The girl didn’t say anything but nodded. There were tears in her eyes. All of a sudden, Lisa felt strong and brave. “(8) NOT WORRY …,” she said. “They are busy eating. They won’t notice us.” She held the girl’s hand firmly in (9) SHE …, and together they safely reached the school


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Lisa was afraid of dogs. When she was in (1) second grade, a homeless dog bit her. Even at the age of 14, she still (2) COULD NOT forget the fear and the pain. Lisa lived close to her school; it took her just ten minutes to walk. However, she always took the school bus because it was (3) FASTER that way. But today, the weather was wonderful. Yellow and red (4) LEAVES on the trees made everything look magical. Lisa decided to walk and take pictures on the way. She almost made it to school when she saw them—a pack of homeless dogs eating something from a McDonald’s paper bag that somebody (5) HAD THROWN away the day before. Lisa panicked. To get to school, she had to pass by (6) THESE dogs! Suddenly, she felt somebody touch her hand. It was a little girl from elementary school. "(7) ARE you afraid of the dogs?" Lisa asked her. The girl didn’t say anything but nodded, tears in her eyes. All of a sudden, Lisa felt strong and brave. "(8) DON'T WORRY," she said. "They are busy eating. They won’t notice us." She held the girl’s hand firmly in (9) HERS, and together they safely reached the school.

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