the chicken?
4 Find mistakes and correct them.
1) This hat knitted by my mother last year. 2) The work hasn't
being done yet. 3) My watch were mended a week ago. 4) The
cutlery is being polishing right now. 5) My camera haven't
been returned yet. 6) The parcel was tied up by a string. 7) You
will have been met at the airport tomorrow. 8) A new metro
station is being build in our city at the moment. 9) Were been
the curtains hung at the time you came in? 10) Children must
be not shown that horror film.


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1 was knitted 2 been done 3 being mend 4 being polished 5 hasn't 6 being tied up 7 will being met 8 built 9 have the curtains been hung 10 mustn't be shown.

Ответ дал: eazywork


This hat was knitted by my mother last year.

The work hasn't been done yet.

My watch was mended a week ago.

The cutlery is being polished right now.

My camera hasn't been returned yet.

The parcel was tied up with a string.

You will be met at the airport tomorrow.

A new metro station is being built in our city at the moment.

Were the curtains hung at the time you came in?

Children must not be shown that horror film.

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