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Ответ дал: dianapodlesova

1. She told me to sit down.

2. If people don't use less electricity, global warming will get worse.

3. As soon as she arrives, we will start the meal.

4. If she had answered all the questions, she would have passed the exam.

5. If we stayed in tonight, what would we do?

6. We would be home earlier if we hadn't missed the bus.

7. Would she work late tonight if the boss asked her?

8. The teacher told us that the exam results hadn’t arrived yet.

9. He said that he would call back later.

10. My father smoked a lot, but he gave up ten years ago.

11. My motorbike is being repaired at the moment. I had an accident last week.

12. The film star's photo was taken when he was shopping with his girlfriend.

13. He's so happy! He has just been offered a new job.

14. When we check in, I'll ask for a window seat.

15. Famous people are often seen at the best London restaurants.

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