Помогите 7 класс ответить на вопросы. 1)Why do we have rules about how to eat? 2)What rules/table manners do you know? 3)Have you ever been in a situation where the rules that you are used to were not appropriate?


Ответ дал: Morgan4ikus

1) We have rules about how to eat for several reasons. Firstly, they help maintain a sense of order and decorum during meals, making the dining experience more enjoyable for everyone. Additionally, these rules often have cultural and social significance, reflecting traditions and norms associated with dining.

2) There are various table manners that people commonly follow. Some examples include using utensils properly, chewing with your mouth closed, refraining from speaking with a full mouth, and placing a napkin on your lap. These manners may vary across cultures and formalities of dining situations.

3) Yes, I have been in situations where the rules I was accustomed to were not appropriate. For instance, different cultures may have distinct dining etiquettes, and what is considered polite in one may be perceived as impolite in another. Adapting to these variations requires awareness and a willingness to respect the customs of the specific setting.

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