1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are two extra words.

active |

believe |

brave |

creative | formed |

got |

guess |


realise |




1 I think I .......... the wrong opinion of her. She's actually really nice.

2 My grandmother's quite old, but she's still very ........... -she's always doing things

3 He ........ the race by less than one second

4 I didn't like the birthday cards in the shop, so I decided to be .......... and make one.

5 It's strange that Eve isn't here. I ........... where she is.

6 It's midday! Wow! I didn't ........ it was so late.

7 I didn't know the answer, so I had to ..........

8 . She didn't run away when the tiger was running towards her - she was very .........

9 I'm sure he saw me, but he didn't say hello. Maybe he didn't ........... Me

10 I've .......... a reputation for always being late. I don't think it's fair


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1 formed 2 active 3 got 4 creative 5 wonder 6 realise 7 guess 8 brave 9 recognise 10 lost.

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