3 Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes both are possible but one is more appropriate. Choose an appropriate subject and tense.

1 Social media friends may not be good for you.... (link) to an increase in anxiety about offending people.
2 When people see perfect photos their friends put online, (may / negatively / affect) by them.
3 Researchers followed 1,500 adults over ten years. At the end of the study........ (discover) that the adults with more friends had outlived the others by twenty-two percent.
4 Having friends positively affects blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol....... (all/ lower) and the risk of disease is reduced.
5 Research has shown that when people lack social interaction.....(take) bigger risks with money.
6 You are also more likely to take financial risks if.....(reject) recently.


Ответ дал: zar1povabdulaz1z007


1 It can be linked (maybe, I'm not sure)

2 they get negatively affected

3 they discovered

4 all are lowered

5 they take

6 you got rejected

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