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напишите эссе по английскому языку своему другу Алексу какой самый трудный предмет в школе Сколько уроков Каждый день Интересно ли учиться в твоей школе

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Ответ дал: nuriyasabina2009


Dear Alex,

In my opinion, the most difficult subject in school is mathematics. It requires a lot of logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which can be quite challenging for many students.

First of all, the concepts in mathematics can be quite abstract and difficult to understand. It takes a lot of practice and patience to grasp the various mathematical concepts and formulas. Additionally, the pressure of getting the right answer can be overwhelming for some students, leading to anxiety and stress.

Furthermore, the workload in mathematics can be quite heavy, with numerous exercises and problems to solve. This can be time-consuming and exhausting, leaving little time for other subjects or activities.

On the other hand, some people may argue that science subjects like physics or chemistry are the most difficult because of their complex theories and experiments. They may also argue that language subjects like English or French are challenging due to the need for extensive vocabulary and grammar knowledge.

However, I disagree with this viewpoint because while science subjects and languages may require a lot of memorization and understanding of complex concepts, mathematics requires a unique set of skills that not everyone possesses.

In conclusion, I believe that mathematics is the most challenging subject in school due to its abstract nature, heavy workload, and the pressure to get the right answers. While other subjects may also be difficult in their own ways, mathematics presents a unique set of challenges that make it the most difficult subject for many students.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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