7. In the text in exercise 5, find the sentences in the
Active Voice and turn them into the Passive Voice (if
The increased use of renewable energy technologies will reduce
pollutants and greenhouse-gas emissions as the energy is derived
from the natural source of sun, wind, water and biomass. - Pollutants
and greenhouse-gas emissions will be reduced by the increased
use of renewable energy technologies as the energy is derived from
the natural source of sun, wind, water and biomass.


Ответ дал: voiceacting33


The sentences in the Active Voice have been turned into the Passive Voice as follows:

"In the text in exercise 5, the sentences in the Active Voice have been found and turned into the Passive Voice (if possible).

The increased use of renewable energy technologies will reduce pollutants and greenhouse-gas emissions as the energy is derived from the natural source of sun, wind, water, and biomass. - Pollutants and greenhouse-gas emissions will be reduced by the increased use of renewable energy technologies as the energy is derived from the natural source of sun, wind, water, and biomass."

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