Work in pairs. Take turns to be A and B.
A) Tell your partner that he or she looks:
exhausted guilty hot relieved sleepy upset worried
B) Explain why you look that way. Use the present perfect
simple and continuous.
-You look exhausted.
-I've been getting up very early for the past few days.



Ответ дал: Ihelpissl


A) You look guilty.

B) I have just realized that I accidentally broke my friend's favorite vase while cleaning.

A) You look hot.

B) I have been running outside in the sun for the past hour.

A) You look relieved.

B) I have just received the news that I passed my final exams.

A) You look sleepy.

B) I have been studying all night for an important presentation tomorrow.

A) You look upset.

B) I have just received some bad news about a close friend.

A) You look worried.

B) I have been waiting for an important phone call that hasn't come yet.


269jg2tgk6: Дякую!!!
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