Complete these sentences using the Subjunctive Mood, combinations of words can help you:

1. to produce new materials in zero gravity
2. to live and work in orbital space cities
3. try to survive in critical situations
4. to explore outer space and other stars
5. to make interplanetary flights to Mars
For example:

If I were a cosmonaut…

If I lived on another planet…

If could fly to the stars…

If I worked in orbital space station…

If I landed on unknown planet…


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

1. If it were essential to produce new materials in zero gravity, it would be crucial that scientists develop innovative techniques to overcome the challenges.

2. If people were to live and work in orbital space cities, it would be necessary that advanced life support systems and sustainable technologies be established.

3. If one were to try to survive in critical situations, it would be important that they remain calm and employ effective problem-solving skills.

4. If humanity were to explore outer space and other stars, it would be imperative that collaborative international efforts be initiated to pool resources and knowledge.

5. If we were to make interplanetary flights to Mars, it would be essential that spacecraft designs and propulsion systems be perfected to ensure safe and efficient travel.

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