D 43. When Robert ... a child, he... afraid of dogs. A) is, was B) was, was C) was, are 44. Why ... you so tired yesterday? A) are B) was C) were 45. William and I... at work last Monday. A) are B) am C) were 46. My parents the exams. A) are B) was C) shall be 47. My daughters ... in the USA two years ago. A) are B) was C) were ... 48. - Where the children? - They ... in the garden five minutes ago. A) is, were very proud. I have passed all B) are, were C) are, will be 49. My friends ago. A) was B) wasn't C) weren't aid blidu odt ni show ow sig edt vela noY at the shopping mall two days Thoyal 50. Today the weather ... nice, but yesterday it... very cold. A) is, was B) will be, is C) is, will be​. help meeeee


Ответ дал: khilmivazovmansyr

43. B) was, was

44. B) was

45. C) were

46. B) was

47. C) were

48. C) are, will be

49. C) weren't

50. A) is, was

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