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1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. How long does each month last?

3. What is the hottest season?

4. What are the Autumn months?

5. What are the Winter months?

6. What is the weather like in each season? 

Аноним: 1) There are four seasons in a year. 2) Each month lasts thirty-thirty one day.only February has 28-29 days. 3) The hottest season is summer. 4) The autumn months are September, October and November. 5) The winter months are December, January and February. 6) It is very hot in summer. In autumn is cool and rainy. In winter it is very cold and snos much. In spring it is sunny.


Ответ дал: zaharovaolya2
1.In year four season(winter,spring,autumm,summer)
2.About 30-31 days.
6.Summer: hot, sunny
Autumm: cloudy, windy,rainy
Winter: cold, snowy
Spring: Sunny
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