Complete the text messages with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs below
Buy, do,know, look, look, love, get, prefer, read
Hi, Chris. What (1) ______ you _______?

I (2)______ for a birthday present for Emma.

Why don't you buy her a CD?
She (3)_______ music.

I (4)________. But she (5) ________ to download music. She never (6)________ CDs.

Well, what about a book? She (7)_______ a lot.

Good idea. (8)________ you _________ ready for her party now?

Yes! I (9)________ forward to it.

Mee too. See you later, then.


Ответ дал: eri95357
Hi, Chris. What (1) **are** you **doing**?

I (2) **am looking** for a birthday present for Emma.

Why don't you buy her a CD?
She (3) **loves** music.

I (4) **know**. But she (5) **prefers** to download music. She never (6) **buys** CDs.

Well, what about a book? She (7) **reads** a lot.

Good idea. (8) **Are** you **getting** ready for her party now?

Yes! I (9) **am looking forward** to it.

Me too. See you later, then.
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