Дам 40 балов срочно

Read the questions and write true sentences about your town. 0 Where's your school? 1 Is the hospital outside your town? 2 What's your favorite shop? Where is it? 3 Does a river go through your town? 4 How often do you walk across a bridge? 5 Is there a museum in your town? Where is it? ​


Ответ дал: nesteriuktamila23

In the center of my city. No, not within my city. My favorite store is "ATB" It is located near the park. Yes, the Dnipro River. When there is time, there are many museums in my city, but I rarely go there.

nesteriuktamila23: Переклад: У центрі мого міста. Ні, не в межах мого міста. Улюблений мій магазин "АТБ" Коло парку він знаходиться. Так, річка дніпро? Коли є часУ моєму місті знаходиться багато музеїв, але я рідко ходжу туди.
nesteriuktamila23: Я писав про Київ
Ответ дал: eri95357
0. My school is located near the city center.
1. The hospital is inside my town.
2. My favorite shop is the "Green Market." It is located near my house.
3. A river runs through my town.
4. I walk across a bridge quite often to get to the city center.
5. There is a museum in my town. It is located in the city center.
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