Work in pairs. Read the clues and complete the puzzle. The letters in the shaded column form a mystery word. Personality puzzle 1 Always thinking that people are going to do bad things. 2 Friendly and socially confident. 3 Wanting to try new things even if they are a bit dangerous. 4 Always believing that other people are honest. 5 Not giving enough attention to things in order to avoid harm or damage. 6 Being very careful and not taking risks. 7 Not showing opinions or emotions. 8 Not hiding opinions or emotions. Honest and easy to speak with. 9 Often loud and the centre of attention. 10 Trusting your own ability and not worrying about what other people think. 11 Anxious and a little frightened. 12 Over-anxious about everything. 13 Planning well and knowing where everything is. (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13). The mystery word is________​


Ответ дал: akosyameiram



1. Always thinking that people are going to do bad things. - *Paranoid*

2. Friendly and socially confident. - *Outgoing**

3. Wanting to try new things even if they are a bit dangerous. - *Adventurous*

4. Always believing that other people are honest. - *Trustful*

5. Not giving enough attention to things in order to avoid harm or damage. - *Careless*

6. Being very careful and not taking risks. - *Cautious*

7. Not showing opinions or emotions. - *Reserved*

8. Not hiding opinions or emotions. Honest and easy to speak with. - *Open*

9. Often loud and the center of attention. - *Boisterous*

10. Trusting your own ability and not worrying about what other people think. - *Confident*

11. Anxious and a little frightened. - *Apprehensive*

12. Over-anxious about everything. - *Neurotic*

13. Planning well and knowing where everything is. - *Organized*

The mystery word formed in the shaded column is "Personality."

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