4 Join the two sentences with a relative clause. Use the
pronouns who, which, where or whose.
1 She's the receptionist. She answered my call.
She's the receptionist who answered my call
2 That's the man. His dog scared me.
3 That's the sports shop. I bought my tracksuit there.
4 He's the shop assistant. He served me.
5 That's the jacket. I bought it in the sales.
6 A laboratory is a place. Scientists do experiments there.
7 That's the car. It was parked outside our house,
8 That's the woman. Her daughter is in my class.


Ответ дал: demidkanipov

2 That's the man whose dog scared me.

3 That's the sports shop where I bought my tracksuit.

4 He's the shop assistant who served me.

5 That's the jacket which I bought in the sales.

6 A laboratory is a place where scientists do experiments.

7 That's the car which was parked outside our house.

8 That's the woman whose daughter is in my class.

Ответ дал: stasyariabokin


1. She's the receptionist who answered my call.

2. That's the man whose dog scared me.

3. That's the spots shop where I bought my tracksuit.

4. He's the shop assistant who served me.

5. That's the jacket which I bought in the sales.

6. A laboratory is a place where scientists do experiments.

7. That's the car which was parked outside our house.

8. That's the woman whose daughter is in my class.

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